DeepSpot, the World’s deepest dive pool, has officially opened its doors to divers. Located in Mszczonow, Poland, approximately 45km from Warsaw,
At 45m in depth, DeepSpot is five metres deeper than the current deepest dive pool, Y-40 in Northern Italy. A planned 50m-deep Pool (Blue Abyss) in the UK has yet to break ground.
The pool includes several training areas and includes artificial caves and a sunken Mayan ruin for training in overhead environments, plus a small boat sunk as an artificial wreck in a depth of 20m.

Construction took two years with a budget of zł40 million (Polish zlotys, about £8m), and plans for a hotel adjoining the pool, complete with underwater viewing areas, are in development. The pool is primarily a facility for recreational scuba diving and freediving, but it is expected to offer facilities for the training of military divers and public services such as the police and fire department.
Bookings are available for a single dive for two people priced from zł378 (£75), although the website (which, unlike the pool, is still under construction) is not clear on whether or not this includes equipment rental. Introductory dives for beginners are priced from zł339 (£68).
For more information or to make a reservation, visit www.deepspot.com